To make this ambition possible, the Aupal Group integrates, through its eight subsidiaries, the design, production and marketing professions. Today, more than 200 employees are involved in the development of this growing Group by investing in the following companies:
H2O at Home is a direct-to-consumer sales company that designs and markets, through its network of 5,000 independent sales consultants, eco-friendly household products, cosmetics and aromatherapy.
H2O Belgium is the Belgian sales subsidiary of H2O at Home.
For all hygiene professionals who want to protect our world, without leaving a trace, Decitex is the only microfiber brand made of recycled material that can be used without chemicals, from the operating room to your working environment.
Decitex works exclusively in toB with distributors in France and internationally. H2O at Home is the only customer who can sell microfibers and professional cleaning equipment manufactured by Decitex to individuals. His vision: a healthier world, cleaned without chemicals.
Decitex RO is Decitex’s manufacturing subsidiary in Romania.
Sodipro, master soap maker, is the specialist in soaps and detergents as well as solid and zero waste packaging sold by H2O at Home.
Aupal Campus, located in Lourmarin, is the Group’s internal training school for consultants and employees. The Campus team designs training courses on products, demonstration and usage methods, professional development and management.
Agricultural operating structure, Onoraterra, brings to the Group its expertise in the production of plants used in the products sold by H2O at Home. It is located in Lourmarin on the property of the Group’s training campus.
Genesis Lab is our research laboratory to develop new, more natural active ingredients for the design of our products sold by H2O at Home.