Responsibility is the first of Aupal’s values.
Naturally, the CSR approach is not only at heart but also at the basis of product development and corporate culture. Eco-design, natural origin and sustainability of products, logistics, reusable and recyclable packaging, offices in a passive energy building, car-sharing, solar electricity generation… Everything is designed to make our environmental footprint as gentle as possible. And it is in this same dynamic that we have launched a carbon impact reduction plan. Decitex calculated its first carbon balance in 2023 for the reference year 2022 and initiated its carbon trajectory (CRP) to 2030. Sodipro and H2O at Home will follow in 2024 so that all the companies of the Group are accountable and report on their carbon footprint.
Our premises reflect our commitment to the environment. The motto “Consume less, consume better” applies to us first. The headquarters offices are passive and the warehouses comply with the most stringent thermal regulations at the time of its construction: RT2012. Our premises are surrounded by permaculture vegetable gardens, chicken coops, hives and nests. The employees are free to leave with the fruits and vegetables harvested on site, and practical workshops (cultivation, pruning, sowing, harvesting…) are periodically offered.
In the same eco-responsible approach, the Group has replaced asphalt on its parking lots with grass-covered slabs.
At the head office, two photovoltaic power plant installations have been installed, one dedicated to total resale and the other for our own consumption, including the recharging of electric vehicles.